Wednesday, October 13, 2010

designing for mini moo

I just ordered some moo cards to go with the scarves I've been making. Here are some samples. When cropping the photos, I was immediately drawn back to my design class with mentor and design super hero, Eleanor Hannan. Under her instruction, choosing imagery, seeing colour relationships and finding the art all around us was fun and fabulous.

I'll have these cards with the scarves on display at the upcoming Capilano University Textile Arts Student Sale:

November 23, 2010
Arbutus Building 201, Capilano University
11:30 am-7:30 pm

Looking forward to seeing you there!


  1. Yay Jaime! Can't wait to see the whole scarves....they are looking great :)

  2. ana: merci bien madmosielle inspiratio.

    Laura: :) come see them on this little island!
